
See what we've been doing all these years...
An Account System created to teach and enable the practical use of accounting for cash flow management.
Inspired by the teachings of the book Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, this system makes it possible to create reliable financial statements in such a simple way that anyone can now control their money using accounting science instead of alternative methods.
  • First MVP version
  • Final product version
  • System design from scratch
  • Full-stack web software development
  • Project management
Core Features
  • Income Statement
  • Balance Sheet
  • Inventory Control
  • Sales Screen
  • Customer Statements
  • Calendar
  • Backend: Apache, PHP, Zend, Mysql
  • Frontend: HTML, SASS, AngularJS
  • Infra: WHM/Cpanel
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If we were you we wouldn't have doubts.
This is the right team for your project.
Let us prove it!
Talk with Rodrigo Wippel
[email protected]
+55 47 99172-5593
Talk with Lucas Pacheco
[email protected]
+55 48 99982-6011
Visit us in our phisical address
Street Theodoro Holtrup, 982 - 7th Floor
Vila Nova, Blumenau/SC, Brazil
Zip Code 89035-300